GW4ALG's Web Site

Due to the increasing Contest QRM on the popular HF bands every weekend,
Amateur Radio Station GW4ALG has been dismantled and the station equipment has been sold.

For more information about Steve's decision, see:


For more information about Contest QRM, see:


For more information about contesting, see:


136 kHz Pages

Covers topics of interest to LF radio experimenters.

Circuit Symbols Pages

Describes how Microsoft 'Paint' can be used to draw circuit diagrams (schematics).  Includes  symbol templates.

Drake TR7 Pages

Has a few items of interest to users of the Drake TR7 transceiver.   Includes my Drake TR7 modification notes (originally written in the 1980's, when I was G4ALG).

Propagation Pages


This page considers whether long term changes to ionospheric propagation have been taking place.

GW4ALG's QRP Pages

GW4ALG's original set of QRP Pages describing his operating and construction activities prior to going QRT in February 2007.

G4ALG's QRP Pages

A separate set of pages describing recent activity at G4ALG following an initiative by well-meaning friends to get the '4ALG call back on the air.

Some interesting stuff, but devoid of the depth of passion for amateur radio that once existed.


eXtreme CW World-Wide Challenge

Provides details of a new fun CW operating event that takes place on 40m in October of each year.