Horizontal Loop Antenna
This antenna was
in use at G4ALG from 2021 to November 2022. The antenna comprised a loop of wire having a perimeter of 110 metres, at
about 9 m high.
At the shack end, the loop was tuned using an MFJ balanced antenna
matching unit. It never performed very well on 40/80/160,
probably because, for its size, it didn't enclose a very large area.
It was far from square in shape, and more like a stretched triangle.
In practice, I often used it on the lower frequency bands with the feedpoint
strapped and matched to 50 ohms as you would for an end fed wire.
In early December 2022, I replaced the horizontal loop with two antennas: a
54 m longwire, and an
inverted V doublet having a 2 x 23 m top.